5 Signs That You've Found the Right Therapist (and 5 Red Flags)


It’s hard to navigate the world of mental health, especially when it comes to finding a therapist. A solid therapeutic relationship can be a transformative experience, leading to personal growth and healthier coping strategies. But how do you know you’ve found the right therapist?

In this article, we'll explore five key signs indicating that you may have found your perfect match in a therapist. We'll also uncover five red flags to be aware of in your therapeutic journey. 

5 Signs You’ve Found the Right Therapist 

You’ve decided to start therapy, but you’re still unsure whether or not your new counselor is the perfect match. The following section will help you determine if your therapist is good for you. 

1. Comfort When Sharing

You know you've found the right therapist if they put you at ease. This sensation doesn't have to be immediate, as it's normal to feel nervous during initial sessions. Eventually, if your level of comfort grows and talking about sensitive issues becomes easier, consider this a good sign.

2. Doesn’t Shy Away From a Challenge

A quality therapist is not afraid of challenging your perspectives when it’s beneficial for your growth. They don't just provide comforting words or nods, as that isn’t always helpful. Instead, they engage actively in your recovery process and push for your own personal growth.

3. Always Respectful

Respect is fundamental in any relationship, including therapy. The right therapist respects your feelings and thoughts and exercises discretion on what constitutes crossing boundaries. They admit their limitations and maintain professional ethics during and after your sessions.

4. Aligned with Your Values

For optimal results in therapy, it helps to find online therapists that align with your values. Whether you need a therapist who has a similar culture, religious beliefs, or lifestyle choices, linking up with a person who’s similar or willing to learn about these differences is important. 

5. Helps You Reach Decisions

A competent therapist guides you towards making healthier decisions without making the choice for you. Through conversation, exploration of feelings, or cognitive coaching techniques, they enable you to take charge of your life. They should make you feel in control of your recovery.

5 Signs You Need to Look for Another Therapist 

Unfortunately, some therapists won’t work out, but this isn’t abnormal. It can take several months before you find the right therapist for you, as some may exhibit the following red flags. 

1. Ignores Your Input

Beware if the therapist consistently overlooks your opinions about treatment plans or diagnoses without detailed explanations, as this may indicate that they’re not paying sufficient attention to individual needs. Your therapist should always try to look out for your best interests.

2. Decisive Monologue

If therapy feels more like a lecture than meaningful dialogue, that could be an issue. Distributed speaking time creates a balanced atmosphere where both parties contribute to progress. Both parties should spend half their time listening and the other half responding or communicating. 

3. Demonstrates Impatience or Intolerance

Does the therapist seem impatient when discussing certain topics? Or perhaps they demonstrate intolerance towards certain characteristics? Such behaviors are red flags that do not promote constructive discussion or emotional safety necessary for wellness improvement.

4. Lacks Confidentiality Measures

A clear deal breaker is a lack of respect for privacy. If they share too much information about other clients, or worse, mention them by name, they’re likely being too forward with everyone else. A therapist should never disclose your personal information unless absolutely necessary. 

5. Constantly Cancels

Even professionals get sick or need time off occasionally, but frequent cancellations over an extended period mean the provider may not be reliable enough. And if they frequently cancel at the last minute, that’s a clear sign that they don’t respect your time or your mental health needs. 

In Conclusion… 

Finding the right therapist is a unique journey, and there's no 'one-size-fits-all.' Remember that you're taking charge of your mental health, and that’s commendable. Keep these guidelines in mind to help distinguish between mismatches and therapists who align with your needs.

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